We are a group of Christian professionals dedicated to helping those suffering from Biotoxin Illness. The actual medical term for this is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or CIRS. We have all trained with Ritchie Shoemaker, MD and follow his protocols and those of the Surviving Mold community. Why? Because they are the only published, peer reviewed, scientifically validated, data driven, legally accepted protocols for CIRS and have proven to work for tens of thousands of patients around the world.
Are you like millions of people and are suffering with some of the following:
- Debilitating fatigue that is keeping you from working, caring for your family, or enjoying life?
- Excruciating pain all over or headaches that are keeping you from many of the activities you want to do?
- Annoying Brain fog and the feeling your brain is not working right and you are plagued with memory problems, lack of focus, trouble finding words, and functioning like you know you should be able to? Sometimes, you think you are developing dementia!
- Troubling Leaky Gut issues such as bloating, pain, stool problems, and food reactions that are keeping you from enjoying life?
- Frequent sickness causing you to think that your immune system is not working right? Have you been told that you have an autoimmune disease?
- Life disrupting hormone abnormalities that you can’t seem to be able to get balanced?
- Strange and debilitating neurological and psychiatric symptoms that doctors can’t seem to explain or effectively treat?
There is hope for you!
Our purpose is to educate the Christian community about CIRS and provide resources for healing and hope through our members.
What does CIRS look like?
CIRS is a multisystem, multi-symptom illness affecting the entire body. The symptoms of Biotoxin Illness/CIRS appear similar to other common conditions, including:
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
(now called Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease) - Autoimmune disorders
- Post Covid Syndrome
- Neuropsychological disorders
(like early onset dementia, depression, anxiety, ADHD) - Leaky Gut Syndrome
Chronic pain is a common complaint among patients, which can be diffuse, such as in Fibromyalgia, or localized, such as in Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Fatigue can be severe and debilitating. Sleep disorders, brain fog, headaches and strange neurological symptoms are common.

How can I tell if I have CIRS as the cause of my problems?
On our website, you will have information about how to screen for CIRS. You will find links to the websites of our members so that you can pursue your problems further with someone specially trained to help and who cares about you and your family. We have Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Indoor Environmental Professionals (IEP), CIRS/Lifestyle Coaches, and Attorneys. We are located all over the US and most of us do virtual visits. You will also find links to sponsors who support our cause and that we utilize in the care of our patients.

Take action!
Don’t continue to live in sickness, pain and despair. Jesus did not die for you on the cross just to make atonement for your sins. He came to heal you: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Through His stripes you are healed! And Jesus can use members of our group to help you find the healing you have been seeking.
May the Lord bless you!